Monthly Archives: August 2013

Sweet Saturday!

with Rev 3

The Weather Horse, 3 August 2013, reports a cool and cloudy start to a sweet Saturday, perfect outside for just about anything, a party next door, a barbecue later, maybe a swim, a bike ride, a hike, a horseback ride, gardening, chores of all kinds, winds active blowing away bugs, wild turkeys wandering, squirrels scampering, cats hunting, dogs and children (of all ages) playing!

Summer’s Blissful Days…

with Rev 2

The Weather Horse reports good grazing with Rev this morning under partly cloudy yet improving conditions, last night’s rain leaving lush lawns, swelling gardens with new explosions of squash bugs in the zucchini and cucumber plants, peaceful breezes wafting over drying landscapes, temps on the rise continuing summer’s blissful days…



The Weather Horse aided and abetted the escape of two dogs yesterday when he unlatched his stall door in broad daylight and set them free to roam the neighborhood. This blatant display of horseplay has resulted in the implementation of bungee cord closures to ensure the security and safety of dogs left at home. The day is warming up with sweet sunshine, gentle winds, building humidity with a chance of some showers later, the trash is being collected noisily by hard working men in bright neon green, a happy cardinal cheers them on, bug clouds luxuriate in the shady spots while Lancer plots his next mischief.