Monthly Archives: November 2013

Shaking it Off!


Icy frosting glittering early this morning has disappeared with the rising sun, Lancer caught in mid-shake contributes dust into the clear atmosphere, all buckets reported frozen, chickens timid about the chill outside their little door, no cat interest in venturing forth, oblivious dog delighted to run around the hood, extra gloves needed caring for cows across the lake, Saturday sailing quickly by with little to no wind.
Shop Small Saturday! We are offering note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Happy T-day, be safe and enjoy!


Wet water weeping from the dark dismal day, stepping right out – though hay is served in the barn – Lancer is a bit of a honey badger and enjoys whatever is dished outside, Rev not so much, preferring shelter and a return to the warm house where cooking occurs, smells soothing, families gathering for T-day tomorrow – Happy Thanksgiving – so much, so grateful, so humbled by it all…
We are offering note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Surprising Snow!


Surprising the chickens with snow, frosting even the Weather Horse ears, hoof prints lead to the hay pile as precipitation seems to lessen, Rev delighting in the frozen buffet forming large poopcicles to run off with – not to bring in the house – chores done and a crowd has formed around the woodstove.
Filled our first order(!) of note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Welcome to the New Week!

head on

Low light in biting high pressure air with a surprising wind to brace against, wandering back towards the barn wondering where is the hay? Morning clear and sun to come, coat is fluffed for insulation, tummy wide with a comfy layer of fat, scratching on the lilac followed by a resounding shake releasing a major cloud of dust to dissipate and disappear quickly – like time into the void.
We are offering note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Wicked Cold Sunday

friends walk

Out for a walk with friends yesterday at the bottom of Meeting House Hill on a cool and sunny Saturday morning, still dark out now at the start of Sunday with a roaring of wind, plummeting temps, a promise of winter’s wrath for the day, dogs sleeping in front of flames rolling within the woodstove, in the barn extra hay served inside so it will not blow away, ice broken out of buckets – let the ice pile begin!
We are offering note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

a gray wet day…


Limited light and light rain washing color from the world, slowly filling water buckets, cool but not enough to freeze, eager hay eating indicates a lack of nutritious grass available, cavalier conversation with Rev consisting of undiscoverable subjects, pattering drops on the greenhouse announcing the coming of a gray wet day to end the week.
1st edition now available! Boxed note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

a gray wet day

Frosty, Pretty Morning!

dog run

Sparkling reflections of angled rays – dancing in a miniature matinee, frosty morning forms a poopsicle treat buffet – for racing dogs who have lost their way, investigating the yards and fields – beyond the borders of our yield, Lancer eats the icy cover – while his offered hay remains looked over.
We are offering note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Under the waning white orb…

Under the waning white orb setting in the west the deceptively sleepy looking Weather Horse explodes into action and a blustery romp over to the neighbors greener grass while we were cutting an old cabbage for chickens, Rev herding with ineffective energy, grain usually works better – and did, wind cleaning leaves and the reviving fire’s smoke away into the brilliant blue sunny day. Please share Lancer with others! Also we are offering note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Horsing Around

horsing around
The Weather Horse immediately ducking the rope inside the barn to gain freedom through the other open barn into the front yard, Rev and Lancer horsing around the emptying hoses and withering gardens, snow flurries here and there in cooling winds ruffling the thick horse coat and shivering the short dog coat, sun breaking the traveling clouds aloft above falling temps promising ice to freeze again.
Looking for a unique gift? We are offering note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Wet Welcome to a New Week

back yard

Rain saturating ground and color in balmy November temps, lightly blowing now and blue spots showing through moving clouds, grass dreaming of greening again but surely knowing better, one more taste of warmth before marching towards a marauding December, blissful before the storms of Winter.
Looking for a unique gift? We are offering note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website: