Monthly Archives: January 2014

Savoring the Thaw

Absorbing sun, nearing the end of this blissful treat of a January thaw, hay abandoned  in favor of finding fresh grass morsels, dog chasing crows in the field and running off the neighbor’s dog, robin flock fluttering up and away, ice patches the ground here and there, though not lush with green – still – color fills the usually gray winter landscape, savoring these gifts of warm, keep the thought of them close for soon Winter will wile its way back.
Note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Life Leaping


Life leaping from remarkable January temps, nice to see the ground again with its mud coat over the frozen earth, rippling puddles of water with ice underneath, light rain spitting now and then, chickens eating cheese and roaming around outside; a soft and gentle winter day reminding us that spring will come.
Note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Maybe Melting?


Splashes of orange and blue adorning the brown ground as robins and jays search for food, frozen and unyielding, not much grass for grazing, partly cloudy above with slightly milder temps, winds abating leaving a comfortable environment, maybe even melting just a little bit! Note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

January Thaw


Wind briskly cranking clouds across the blue pushing treetops and tail, ground with wounded grass appearing everywhere along with dog and horse sign, robins investigating, cat outside after self imposed imprisonment, lively, invigorating, lovely January thaw kind of day! Note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Happy Warm Weekend!

heading for hay

A mild and moisture laden morning – forming clouds upon the ground,
Southern winds across the field load warmth, swirling all around,
Lancer finds his way through icy patches – heading out for hay,
Chickens venturing outside to see if spring might have found its way,
Rooster crowing, hens are clucking, leaving a warm egg where they lie,
Mist rising from the hardened earth while also falling from the sky!
Note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

A Milder Afternoon

dog fight

Snow this morning putting on a slippery coat and spitting again early this afternoon daring us to forget it, milder temps improving moods, a small flock of robins swinging through, a squirrel awakening in his race with winter to sprint across the icy yard and leap upon an oak, dogs obliviously fighting and chasing – neither to win as they both get fed ( while Lancer looks on in peaceful, munching repose.
Check out our note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Cold Abating

ice flow

Cold abating under a crystal blue sky, sun smiling with slanting shadows, beside the driveway ice flow Rev has rediscovered the frozen rodent remains only to have Lancer obscure the prize under healthy black hooves, filled with snow making slippery footing – the potential ice skating must be grand with these favorable conditions – though not really perceptible yet the days are stretching light longer and the nights shrinking shorter.
Note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Sharp Edge of Winter

sun rising

Crushing cold seeming to slow the rising sun, relenting winds slow to finger numbing from bone chilling, braving breakfast under clear bluing sky, the stark and sharp edge of winter – expected to dull in coming days – still honed for a biting morning of single digit temps stinging bare skin, punishing paws, merely fluffing a super insulated coat fueled by filling the tank with hay.
We offer note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website:

Delivering an Icy Start


Was it late last night – or early this morning – dogs stood alert on the bed and we listened to the eerie high pitched yipping screams that were brought forth with chilling winds ripping across the frozen reservoir, delivering the icy start to a cold that has spread an unmoving hardness deep into the ground and slickened, smoothing the water of yesterday into slippery sheets frosted with a light white coating; after a brief inspection, wind lifting mane, Lancer returns to the shelter of the stall to breakfast within.

Ghostly Winter Morning!

Cloud of saturated air quieting the liquid sounds of water dripping from the roof, flowing into the full catch basin to the drain and filling the little pond, slippery paths and a wet sheet of ice over the driveway, sloppy slush mixing with manure in the pasture, ghostly fog misting contrast and temps gently releasing moisture from the ground, happy hay eating and welcoming a new week.
Note cards featuring Lancer & Rev in all four seasons, on the Weather Horse website: